Sunday 28 January 2007

Question: What is technology?

It is hard to answer this question with a short answer, but we have agreed that any form of technology is something that fulfils a requirement, or achieves a goal.

When designing a new product there are a number of areas of technology that need to be considered. When most people think of technology, they think of computers and gadgets, however technology does not always have to be something high-tech. Many examples of modern day technology can be found in the fields of transport, electronics and engineering, for example satellite navigation, mobile phones etc.

We agreed during brainstorming that technology is in place to solve problems. This could mean essential technology, such as the steering wheel on a car, and luxury technology, such as iPods. However, technology is also extensively used to create new technology, for example robots used to build computers and cars. Many products can use multiple technologies at different stages during the development process.

In terms of designing our own product, we now have to choose something that is either a new technology, or implements existing technologies / expands them. It is more likely that we will design a task specific product than a general purpose one, because that means our design can be more specific. It is important that technology can be updated, and that products can stand the test of time. In essence, our product must fill the requirements definition, be updatable, solve a problem and / or improve quality of life for the user.

Our next step is to finalise product ideas, and decide whether to opt for a physical or theoretical (or non-physical) implementation of technology.

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