Wednesday 28 March 2007

Re-Design Evaluation: Joyce Barrington Interview

Having modified our original prototype extensively, it is time to evaluate the final product. Whilst feedback about unchanged features has already been obtained from the personas, we must now find out what they think of the new changes in place.
  • Using trolley handle as a scrolling device - "Using a pre-made shopping list was made much easier with this feature added. It took a while to get used but eventually I could use the trolley device effectively. The movement around the supermarket felt natural and laid back."
  • Speech Recognition - "It felt very strange talking to the screen, and the system often mistook what I said. This was probably down my Jamaican accent. It was really helpful for quick browsing of products though, meaning I could jump to items much quicker, something that was too slow in the original system."
  • Re-designed trolley control - "With the original system I found sometimes pushing the buttons while aisle browsing resulted in the trolley lurching out of direction. The range of movement was possibly to wide. The new clicking joystick feels much more comfortable to use, and although it requires slightly more effort to push forwards, it means the trolley is always pointing the direction you want it to."
  • Shopping List Feature - "The shopping list feature is still hard to set up, however since it remember my favourite items from my last test, it was easy to jump quickly to products I knew I wanted. The speech recognition helped slightly in adding new items to the list, but in general it is quicker to use a pen and paper like I would in a normal supermarket. "
  • Product Browsing - "Although some of the naturalness of shopping was taken away by breaking shelves into categories, it was much easier to understand. The old system was as confusing as shopping in a real supermarket because there were so many products to choose from. Now however, it is easy to browse past items you don't want without having to look in detail."
  • Undo Feature - "The fact that I can now 'undo' my mistakes makes a lot of difference, in that I feel much more confident that if I do something wrong, I can easily go back and not have any problems."
  • Device Height - "Having tried the trolley handle device in both an armchair and while sat at a table, I can tell you that the height adjusting is an excellent feature. The old system made my arms tired because it was at an uncomfortable height. Now however, I can choose the comfiest layout before starting my shop, meaning I can take my time and relax more, something I don't feel I can do in a real supermarket.

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