Friday 23 February 2007

Scenario: Margaret Baxter "I’ll see you when you get there, if you ever get there"

Margaret wakes up today, the same as any other day. She has a few aches and pains but today is a fairly good day compared on the whole. It’s Saturday and the time has come to Margaret to do the weekly shop again. As she feels fine she doesn’t have any second thoughts, she gets ready and starts her 10 minute walk to the bus stop.

So far everything’s going well for Margaret. She catches the bus and gets to the super market in good time.

When Margaret arrives at the store she finds that it is very busy indeed as it is a bank holiday coming up. This does not worry her to much at first and she continues on.
She now goes to fetch a trolley and to her dismay realises that she does have the right change for a push trolley. Never mind she thinks, making do with basket instead which is still big enough as she has only to buy food for herself.

Half way round the shopping trip, Margaret’s basket is starting to fill up. With this extra strain she starts to get unforeseen pains in her joints. She slows down and continues on.

As the shop goes on Margaret’s pains grow slowly worse until it gets to the point when she’s had enough and heads for the checkouts. Due to the amount of people who have fled to the supermarket this day, Margaret is left waiting for an extra 10 minutes which does nothing but worsen her situation, she is not looking forward to the rattley bus at all.

She eventually reaches the bus stop in a fair amount of pain. As she expects the bus journey is very uncomfortable, every time the bus hits a bump in the road or turns a corner to sharply pain shoots through her body.

At the end of Margaret’s journey she is in to much pain to walk the 10 mintues home with her shopping. Luckily a passing neighbour notices her sitting at the bus stop and asks if she wished to have a lift back home much to her appreciation.

1 comment:

Jimbo said...

Is the title of this post a lyric from the crazy haired rapper coolio? Robbo you hip hop fiend.