Friday 16 February 2007

Persona: Dillon Mills

Dillon is 81 and lives with wife, Felicity (27) in a nicer part of Worcester. He was a soldier in WW2 where he fought many victorious battles in the British Army. When the war was over, he moved swiftly into the police force, rising to high positions of power and enjoying a generally successful career. He recently had a stroke, which has caused him to be house ridden.

Day in the Life
09:00 – awakes up. Dillon enjoys a warm breakfast in bed, cooked by his loving wife.
09:30 – reads what we can of the morning paper, only after managing to grab it off his Jack Russell Terrier.
10:00 – watches his favourite daily politics show on the box.
12:00 - takes a relaxing snooze as his wife hits the shops in the town centre.
12:30 - wakes. Logs onto his computer to have a casual surf.

Experience with Technology
Dillon loves using the Internet. He can perform a ‘Google’ search, send and read email, chat to his old war buddies via instant messenger and bid for gifts for his wife on eBay. He enjoys it because he feels as if he is still in control without getting out of his chair.

Experience with Online Shopping
Dillon uses online shopping very often. Dillon pops to the kitchen and writes down a list of all the things he needs/wants. He logs into Tesco’s website, pops in the items into the search box and off he goes. However, Dillon often gets frustrated when he is given too many choices in his search result. For example, he searches simply ‘bread’, but the results return a list of exotic foods (containing the word) which he has no interest in! Another thing he is unhappy about it white writing on coloured background; he can’t seem to read it!

Dillon doesn’t like spending too much time on the site because he thinks it costs him money! Hates scroll bars; completely confuses him! And is often confused by adverts, because he thinks the computer is actually telling him to do it, for example “click here!”

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