Thursday 22 February 2007

Scenario: Joyce Barrington "My bags are too heavy"

Joyce Barrington is having the family over for sunday roast, here's the scenario!
It is Friday afternoon and Joyce needs to prepare for Sunday's family dinner.
She takes the bus to the supermarket.
She browses around the supermarket choosing food and drink, putting them in her trolley.
Joyce takes her selections to the checkout feeling tired after having walked and pushed the trolley for over an hour.
An assisstant helps her to pack her shopping bags.
Joyce pays for her shopping and leaves the supermarket.
She carries the bags to the bus-stop.
She gets the bus back to near her house, and walks the rest of the distance, now very tired from carrying so many heavy bags.
She gets home and has a rest before unpacking the shopping.

However with our proposed system, the shopping process will be completely different. Fatigue from pushing around a supermarket trolley will not be an issue, since the user will be able to select any products from the comfort of their own armchair. Similarly, the system will rely on home delivery to get the shopping to the user.

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